Modern Slavery Statement
Last updated: 24/05/2023
Modern slavery is an umbrella term, encompassing human trafficking, slavery, servitude and forced labour.
e50K has a responsibility to be alert to the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking in our own activities as well as those of our clients, partners and supply chain and to act upon any concerns which we may have.
Of particular concern to e50K is the potential risk of modern slavery and its impacts upon vulnerable women whose personal, geographical and financial circumstances as imposed indirectly by the UK Armed Forces puts them at higher risk of being subject to control.
This statement is provided on behalf of e50K and any reference herein includes e50K Consultancy Limited and e50K Communities.
to support the ongoing operational costs of the development and management of community designed projects.
e50K employ 9 individuals in full and part-time roles, supported by a further 15 volunteers and/or pro-bono workers (current to 01/04/2022).
e50K Supply Chains
e50K’s supply chains relate to the provision of:
e50K Consultancy Limited: Bespoke strategic development, change management programmes and research services to private, public and third sector clients with occasional travel and accommodation purchases
e50K Communities: The sourcing and purchasing of products such as capital equipment, equipment purchasing, hotel accommodation, travel, goods and services
Our Policy and Approach
e50K is committed to improving our practices to identify and eliminate modern slavery and human trafficking in any part of our own work or in our supply chains, and to act ethically and with integrity in our business relationships. e50K seek to work only with organisations which can demonstrate they work in this way, and who share our vision and governing principles. In particular e50K is committed to ensuring, through the delivery of our services, that vulnerable individuals (with specific reference to those within the armed forces community) are not being exploited, controlled or are unable to speak out.
e50K has a range of policies which reflect our commitment to act against modern slavery and human trafficking including, but not limited to equality and diversity, grievance and safeguarding. e50K operates safe recruitment practices to ensure our staff are competent and capable but also eligible to undertake work (both paid and voluntary) freely on our behalf.
e50K ensures all those who procure goods and service for the organisation are aware of the legislation, risk and responsibilities in this area and that they are able to act and report accordingly.
Anyone at e50K who has any concern about modern slavery and human trafficking can report these concerns to their immediate line manager, the Chief Operating Officer [NE1] or Chief Executive Officer.
Where concerns are raised about suppliers or contractor, e50K will consider whether it is appropriate to terminate the relationship or contact if we believe our concerns have not been adequately explained or addressed.
Issued pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
This statement was created on 01/04/2022 and constitutes a joint statement for e50K Consultancy Limited and e50K Communities for the financial year 2022-2023. This statement has been approved by the Trustees of e50K.
Signature: [NE1]
Name: Mrs Katie Jane Ankrett
Position: COO
Version: v1
Approved for Implementation: 25/04/2022
Review date: 24/05/2023